Friday, November 11, 2005

He's VERY gentle with the needle

.... and with prices like that, he better be.

I'm referring, of course, to my man in white, The King of Pain,
Dr. Whoyagottacall; my freaking endodontist.
After enduring terrible pain for over 7 months, I finally had to throw in the towel
(and most of my other household goods) and get a root canal Thursday.
Aside from the horror of having strange hands in my mouth, and the agony of
10 shots of novacaine, the whole ordeal wasn't too bad. And, I am now tooth-pain
free, which is absolutely marvelous.
I had no idea how much I'd been suffering until it was over.
My face is puffy and I spent the whole next day overhung from Citizen novaCaine...
but I am now ready for my crown - and that much closer to being royalty.
He was very gentle with that needle, even after I pointed out to him that the word
DON'T is right there in his title.

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