Friday, November 24, 2006

block head

All work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman all work and no play makes brown shoes a dull woman aaarrrggghhh
I cannot get over my writer's BLOCK!!!


RJ March said...

I hear you.
And miss you.

Clear Creek Girl said...

Well, even THAT was better than NOTHING. I know. I should talk. I have been working hard - even some on Friday - even some on Saturday - and a full intervention in Seabeck this morning at 9 a.m. And my play? It's the new biography of Allen Ginzberg, which I am absolutly relishing. It's a bath by candlelight (yes, I am one of those). It's watching a dumb animal video on TV. I don't mean a video about dumb animals, I mean one of those "Cute Videos of Cute ANimals" videos. It's putting on my new cozy slippers and sliding across the kitchen floor. It's spilling water and not wiping it up. It's unwrapping a new bar of soap. It's moisturizing my face. It's eating pie for breakfast ( - pumpkin - 3 days in a row).

But I still can't get over my own writing block, not really, either.

Russell CJ Duffy said...

i guess we all are blockheads at sometime or another!

Anonymous said...

I say you just ran around the "block" in a way I never thought of. Eventually you'll turn the corner to home. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other...we're all out here supporting you!

Matt said...

You're in good company.
Thanks for the encouragement.

Mom said...

Heavens, yes, you are in good company! Look at my piss-poor record of blogging! I am embarrassed half the time!