Friday, July 06, 2007

Independence Day

Independence from what, I'd like to know.
If the chuckleheads crowding my Main Street were any indication,
last night was a celebration of freedom from sanity and common sense.
Drunk guys were lobbing M-80's from rooftops, drunker guys were arguing
in the back alley and the drunkest guy of all was offering his view of women
to the entire town.
He began well - something about the beauty of women - but soon slid into
an unattractive rant that ended with this:
"Titties and ass, that's all they are. They have those titties, so men have to work
day and night to give them everything they want. Why is that?
Hey - men have titties - what about that, HUH?"

What indeed.



Triple Dog said...

Sounds as if my neighborhood of old has moved to your neighborhood. It was loud here, but nothing like it's been in the past. Little did I know they moved to your neck of the woods.

Brown Shoes said...

And I'm sure you do not miss them!


Clear Creek Girl said...

"EUREKA!" The intelligence of man shines through once again .... or not. Thanks for the card, BrownShoes, and for all the many, many well wishes you've been sending my way.
....with love,