Saturday, August 18, 2007

a month of sundays

Give or take - that's what it's been since last time I posted here.
Likely enough time to write a short story
or complete a piece of art - though sadly - I have done neither.
Positively enough time to clean my house, weed my garden
and get rid of that outdated government peanut butter
that's been riding around in my car with me
since I pulled it at work several weeks ago.

But I have not done any of those things either... not one.

I have, however, given 5 tubes of blood
and had CT scans of my head and my heart.
I've also had a thyroid sonogram
and an echocardiogram of my heart.
I've done (and 'passed') a treadmill test,
had my mitral valve prolapse assessed
and peed the River Nile (thanks to Lasix - my new best fiend.)

After all that testing, the only thing I know for certain
is that doctors really need to hire better decorators.

Oh – and my brain is “normal”.



RJ March said...

Yikes-- I'm glad your brain is normal! I hope you are okay otherwise, too.

Brown Shoes said...

normal being a relative term of course...
So far, the rest of me seems to be alright too, just tired too much and retaining fluid.
I know there is some sort of irony there - I gave up drinking, but I'm still drowning...
I am enjoying everything you have been writing, and was so thrilled to read that you will have something published soon.
I saw the woman who wrote The Glass Castle on an Oprah rerun not long ago, and mourned anew that it hadn't been you instead who wrote that book.


RJ March said...

Funny, I saw a girl at the pool yesterday reading that book and I wanted so much to tell her how much I mistrusted it.

Please take care.

Matt said...

I think your brain is very normal :)

Been watching it from afar - you hang in there...