Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Lucky is my middle name

I woke up late this morning, from a dream about an annoying next door neighbor who would not stop using his remote-control chain-saw right outside the bedroom window I do not currently have in real life. I hate alarm clock dreams - they make for agitated re-entry into the waking life.
I was late leaving for work, so I indulged in a bit of extreme speeding on the back road to my job. I was the only car around, and had hit about about 57.5 mph (in a 35 mph zone) when I saw a car with a roof-top luggage rack pulled off on the wrong side of the road. I slowed down a bit, and had time to think, "I wonder wha...." when I realized THAT was no luggage rack. I actually threw my hands up like somebody about to get shot and.... nothing happened. No lights came on, no hand waved; NOTHING.
I was so stunned I don't remember driving the next few miles to my job (that's not true - I turned a corner just after I passed the cop, and did 65 with one eye on my rearview mirror so I could pull into my workplace before I was busted). However, it is totally true that there's a message there about counting one's blessings, so - since I spent last night complaining, whining and moping - today I will take notice when good fortune cuts me a massive break.
The sun is out, the fog has lifted and I will not be paying a $275 speeding ticket. Hey - hit me with some giblets - it's time to celebrate.
In other news, my cat has won the battle of the tomatoes yet again - and I am beginning to think about ripping his little fur-filled head off. If I bring a tomato into the house, he will hunt it down and eat it. I have hidden tomatoes on top of the fridge, in drawers, and under bowls on the counter. This time, I had them in a plastic bag, inside of a paper bag, under the cupboard with some other Thanksgiving stuff. While I was at work, he discovered them, and now I have a handful of pulpy, mutilated tissue to toss in my salad tomorrow.
Mmmm - do you want Italian or Bleu cheese with your remains?
Okay, okay - time to get on with it
Pathetic T.V. - I did watch a little last night - The American Music Awards kept me
company while I tore up bread for dressing. Between Mariah Carey's exploding breasts
and Lindsay Lohan's size 14 shoes, it was quite distracting. Annie Lennox was fabulous -
and sadly the only political moment of the entire night.
Oh shit.
Oh shit city.
Son of a son of a mother#&^*+$# +*&%$ @!!!!!
I hid my carefully torn bread in the oven last night so the cat could not get into it - and
did not think once about it when I turned the oven on to preheat an hour ago...I kept smelling something like overdone toast.... Oh well; change one little letter and luck becomes something else entirely....
And so, the fun begins.


RJ March said...

Funny-- I bought an aluminum baking pan for the whole turkey we never bought, opting instead for two gigantic breasts, and keep forgetting that I am keeping it in the oven until it heats up and stinks like crazy! Anyway, hope you have a great day tomorrow. I think I will probably be thinking of you as I make my own dinner here for R and I, not off the wine yet, although we both--you and I--know I should be. Cheers anyway, darling.

Brown Shoes said...

Cheers back to you.
I hope your dinner is marvelous.
And, things being as they are,
have a few glasses for me.
It was so fun for so long -
until it wasn't.

Speaking of two gigantic breasts - I heard today that Mariah Carey had to be sewn into that black hammock thing she forgot to climb out of when she left to go to the music awards.