Thursday, June 07, 2007


I had a blog here about work - but after the maintanence man
attended the house meeting tonight, I suddenly freaked out
and took down my post.
I don't feel comfortable writing (or talking) about work anymore.
I don't really feel comfortablable working at work some days either.

I wish I knew what to do.



RJ March said...

My 2 Cents: I think you should not do anything that causes you discomfort or dread. And I think you know this all ready. Maybe it's time to pick up the want-ads, BS.

Clear Creek Girl said...

I agree with RJ. Pick up the want-ads. There are probably lots of things you could do that are close enough and interesting enough. Any bookstores in the area? WOuldn't that be nice? Just be around people who are looking for books? Our Fellowship is looking for a summer religious education person to watch kids during the Sunday ten o'clock service, but the pay is only $1,200 for the summer. Miss you.