Continuing on with my quest to clean up and clear out,
I purged my e-mail today. Why did I still have mail
saved from 1963? I do not know… but going through it
gave me an idea. What follows is a patchwork of 'used'
chunks of e-mail; held together only by the fact
that I received every piece in the last year or so.
I added nothing – except for the* that
identifies each individual bit.
Dear BS:
*Might I point out the curcial facts that lurk here?
*We discovered that Human filth is rapidly shared when
certain conditions are met.
*And, You are my sister, so I hope that we can co-exist civilly
in the same state, (if not the identical state of mind.)
*Please understand that the survival of either of us would be
the most advantageous outcome here, and remember
*I am both spleen less, & devoid of the appendix,
and I am a recipient of a synthetic zeugmatic arch.
*So, I am replying against my better judgement,
in fact against the advice of my sisters and close friends.
*You know, there were questions that used to haunt me when I
was younger. These days, being older, I'm haunted still.
*I am not trying to excuse what I did, or said - (what did you hear?)
'cause I don't remember saying anything untoward...............
*So now, please answer my one question. Do you surely must agree that
America is employing pot as a political whipping boy?
*Now, granted my social demenor does surely want for modification
at crutical times....
*But, Be it thusly Dear heart,
*remove the infection, flush it with 10 liters of anti-biotic fluid,
pack it with slow release anti-biotic beads
(I din't even know they had such things)… and sew her up.
*I am now, even a little more than usual, pissed off.
I need some new pants.
*But, trying on underwear is such a fuckin drag.
*And, the most disturbing element to our society is that we Americans
praise the effort & skill taken to create such rube goldberg'esque contraptions.
*Regarding ethics, charisma and diggety dank, it’s safe to say that
even if your current employers doubled your salary, I would hate
to think of you garnering success while surrounded by a fetid pool
of rotting leaves and monkey urine.
*So, Thank you for the kind words, but as a rule of thumb
it is generally a poor idea to send an email to my work that
talks about how my employers are assholes and I should leave them.
*In closeing, I'd greatly appreciate knowing that my own flesh & bloody blood held me in enough regard to remember these pertenant things:
*2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
6. Sarchasm: the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit
and the person who doesn’t get it.
17. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.
*P.S. Re: BARBARA'S SKULL: What happened to the picture?
Oh, I have a feeling that thing will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Somewhat nonsensical, but an amusing exercise nonetheless.
Or...maybe not.
In other, likely more interesting news - I saw part of Smoke Signals again today. I had forgotten how much I liked that movie, and how much I loved
the book (The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.).
I also re-watched the Sopranos "Fleshy Part of The Thigh, and
have a few ideas about what the hell is going on in Jersey.
Basically - the lie is out, the curtain is lifted and people are going
to be forced to look at who and what they really are.
Paulie is not a loving son, Vito is not a macho gangster,
A.J is none of the things Carmella says he is - and Tony
is neither a stand-up bossman or a hard-working dad/husband.
There is no loyalty, no respect, no 'family bond'...
It's like a nest of lies inside of lies...
My predictions: A.J. kills somebody and goes to prison.
Paulie dies - soon.
Christopher screws Tony over big time.
And Tony - I think maybe he turns state evidence.
Oh, and speaking of liars and predictions - I told D.
long ago that future generations would look back at Bush
and his administration as one of the most dishonest in history.
Newest weasel - Brian J. Doyle - (Homeland Security's
deputy press secretary/on-line-kid-seducer).
Or - to steal one last line from my purged e-mails:
* I think …. To summarize………… he is a freaky creep.
Okay - enough postulating..