Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Aftermath

Guilty t.v. viewing tonight: "Taboo: Crime Scene" on the National Geography channel.
Utterly fascinating.
Death, I think, is on my mind tonight. Today my daughter told me that a young guy she vaguely
knew hung himself over the weekend. And that a girl (who was once a fairly close friend of hers) slit her wrists twice on Sunday night.
They make me unbearable sad often, some of the kids she has brought around. They seem so old for such young people, and so weary already of the world.
And, I guess I am also rather hungover - sucking up waaaay too much hurricane/bombing/woman throws kids off pier news ....
And, for dessert: a mighty confection made of presidential corruption/arrogance/sleezeandgreed, iced with goodoldboy contempt and heedless opportunism.
Not that I want to stick my head in the sand - but my god.
I think I need to go on a diet.

1 comment:

artmommusings said...

Our friend, K.M. told me about your blog. It's wonderful. I like the way you see things. Keep it coming.