Monday, April 17, 2006


I know - silly. But it still makes me laugh.
Hope you all found a way to enjoy the day...
we had chicken and spinach salad - and red velvet cake for dessert.



RJ March said...

you made me laugh out loud.

Happy Easter. Worked brunch-- hate brunch. Hate working any holiday. Hate working, period. Hmmm. Remind me to do something about that.

Zoe's Art Stuff said...

We had spiral cut ham, seven layer salad and lemon meringue pie over at my mother-in-law's house. She is a true Southern cook. And I went to services at the Lutheran church and actually got a little emotional, it was so beautiful. Music, flowers, sunshine. Think I'll start singing y'all a song... I hope you are feeling better after your week of doctors. --Zoe

robin hood said...

Made me laugh too. (Silly short gags are always the best).

Not sure what I ate. I know what it said on the packet, but I've yet to be convinced.

Clear Creek Girl said...

We ate hearty all weekend. But the diet will go on no matter what the damage.

Triple Dog said...

Thanks for the's good to laugh.